AWASED : 「空 (Void)」における弁証法的な解釈と矛盾について

AWASED : Dialectical Interpretations and Contradictions in the Void

「AWASED : 「空 (Void)」における弁証法的な解釈と矛盾について」は、「空(Void)」を巡る哲学的探求を紹介するレクチャーパフォーマンスと、コンセプトを実践するワークショップを組み合わせた作品です。日本語文法がもたらす曖昧さを出発点に、空間における存在と関係性の揺らぎを文化的視点から浮き彫りにし、矛盾を内包する自己を再解釈します。ワークショップでは、参加者自身の身体と感覚を媒体に、自己と他者、そして身体と空間との曖昧な境界と関係性を探りながら、新たな視点を模索します
“AWASED : Dialectical Interpretations and Contradictions in the Void” is a work that combines a lecture-performance introducing the philosophical exploration of the “Void” with a workshop that puts these concepts into practice. Starting with the ambiguity inherent in Japanese grammar, the performance confronts dialectical thinking and brings to light the fluidity of existence and relationships in space from a cultural perspective. This process leads to a reinterpretation of the self, which inherently contains contradictions. In the workshop, participants use their own bodies and senses as mediums to explore the ambiguous boundaries and relationships between the self and others, as well as between the body and space, while seeking new perspectives.